It was good to start the day with a sighting of a Buck Roe deer at Longrock, It has been many months since I last saw one there, It was feeding on the lush grass at the far side of the field which is a bit of a challenge for my 500mm lens and cloud cover didn't help with poor light levels, I snapped away using single shots as the deer's movement created interest while waiting for blue sky coming from the west behind the clouds to clear the sun for better lighting, It seemed a bit like watching paint dry but it did eventually clear the sky just about the same time as the buck cleared the hedge row to disappear behind the tree line, Charming ! but I have posted a couple of high ISO images below anyway.

With my subject gone I was left with a lovely blue sky and conditions were improving all the while so off I went to Trewavas Head with thoughts of warn sunshine and possibly mating adders on my mind. Well I didn't get any mating adders this time but the same two that I saw yesterday put in an appearance in fairly open basking points to provide a few more images posted below until a coach load of guided students walking the coast path arrived on mass, Hi students Bye adders!
I had first heard and then sighted a pair of Chough while working with the adders So I wandered off in the direction that I had last seem them fly, I found them both feeding among Thrift vegetation on cliff ledges below and they keep me busy for the next hour trying to achieve images that didn't just look like silhouettes but its not easy with the sun against you.
I spent the last hour of my day back down at Marazion marsh where I was sure to have the sun on my back and the marsh is always so photogenic when lit by the late afternoon sun, Nothing outstanding or rare today but the locals managed to put on a bit of a show,
The weather forecast and wind direction are looking good for the south coast tomorrow so it looks like I will just have to do it all again, It a tough life !
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