Saturday 10 November 2018

Shorties between the Showers

I joined a small group of like minded photographers out on the moors early AM today.

We were all there trying to dodge some heavy rain showers while looking for hunting Short-eared Owl images.

Following a heavy storm we all piled out and just about managed an hour before the next one sent us all running back to cover.

But during that hour Lady Luck had been with us as we had no less than three Owls in close working range within this Short period and all of us returned to our cars with some Photogenic images for our efforts.

I took some one hundred and twenty five images during this short shoot,  Nine of which have been used in this blog

The last Shortie left just before we did but not without providing the three images required to produce this take-off Montage.

1 comment:

  1. If I have one as good as these after our soaking this morning I'll be happy. See soon
