Wednesday 4 October 2017

Early morning Call

I was on the heath at Porthgwarra early this morning looking for the Red Deer which proved a little harder to find than the last few days but it was not until I eventually found them that I realised it was because they were lying down asleep,  As the older deer awoke sensing my presence it looked around for the younger stag which was out of his sight line,  He bellowed but received no reply and started looking all around in a concerned manner,  He was soon on his feet sniffing the air and calling once again and it was nice to see him relax down as the younger deer rose and came trotting towards him in response to his calling,  I was stood out on the open heath within forty metres of the older deer throughout this behaviour and it is nice to be able to report that neither of the deer showed any concern regarding my presence,  I then watched as they both ambled off up into the higher heathland together ending for me what had been a very pleasant encounter.

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