Monday 15 January 2018

Close focus on a grey Wagtail

While waiting for a show from the Dipper at Kennell Vale this morning I was sat quietly between two roots of a beach tree having a cup of tea and admiring the stunning view of derelict dynamite mills, the woodland and the river in full flood crashing its way over granite boulders as it thundered down the steep vale,

I suddenly became aware of something moving in a small boggy pool about five metres to the side of me,  It was a lovely grey Wagtails that I often see flitting about on the river banks  It was usually quite skitty but with the river perhaps being too rough it must have opted for this small pool as a food source,

As I inched to my feet and reached for my camera just in front of me the bird was already starting to find Caddisfly larvae that were rapped in dead leafs for camouflage and protection,  The wagtail had rumbled me as my shutter started to fire but with a good food source available it seemed reluctant to leave.

I ended up with around fifty of my best Grey Wagtail feeding shots taken mostly at less than five metres and some at minimum focal distance of  3.5m on a focal length lens of 850mm with the birds tail running out of the frame,   Happy Days!!

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