Sunday 27 May 2018

Blue Tits Spider Hand-over

I watched a pair of Blue Tits that were making hundreds of returns to their nest box with Juicy green caterpillar and small insects which both birds were taking directly in to their chicks.

Then the Male blue tit returned with a large spider and seemed hesitant to take it in to the box,

The female returned with her caterpillar and went straight in and the male started to display to her from outside.

The female responded and came back out and gently took the spider from the male and took it back into the chicks.

The male didn't fly off but moved its head closer to the nest box hole perhaps to watch and learn how the female was dealing with the spider before feeding it to the chicks.

And then it was back to normal with caterpillar coming in from both birds every few minutes.

These little birds were making a supreme effort from dawn until dusk to raise their chicks and regenerate their species !!


They  were also doing a good job on the regular removal of Poo-sacks to keep their very compact nest box clean and clear.

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