Thursday 10 May 2018

Moor Cuckoo


A partially cloudy sky helped to form a dramatic sunrise over Cornish moors this morning and as the sun grew stronger intermittent rain showers produced an excellent rainbow backdrop as a female Cuckoo flew in responding to the resident males call.

A nice bit of Cuckoo behaviour as the same female flies slow and low over rough grass looking for caterpillars

Finding them is no mean feat as you might note from the image below that the Caterpillars mimic the size and colour of the new grass seed heads

The three portraits below were all taken with the advantage of good sunlight direction to bring out the plumage and eye detail in these incredible bird,

Speaking of Cuckoo's sharp eye detail their vision is amazing and you have to allow them a good working distance as they will see you where ever you or they are but if you present no threat they will eventually work their way closer to you and provide some opportunity for close portraits with that amazing yellow and orange eye detail.

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