Tuesday 22 May 2018

Raven's Rabbit

A male Raven flies back to its nest site territory with a young road kill rabbit and starts to remove its fur.

The Raven is joined immediately by his recently fledged brood of three who all start to display there classic red mouthed gape while begging for a share of his prey.

The male Raven reluctantly feeds all of the fledglings with small pieces of flesh.

But he soon seemed to tire of the exercise, He turns back to the rabbit, Rips off its head and flies off to a nearby cliff ledge to consume it.

Perhaps this behaviour was the males way of getting the fledglings to be self sufficient feeders but in this case they all flew off abandoning the prey which was very soon claimed by a pair of local nesting crows with their own hungry chicks to feed.

So perhaps not the brightest of moves from what some people consider to be one of our most intelligent birds !!

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