Monday 5 June 2017

Peregrine take-off sequence

The weather today was to say the least 'A bit of a challenge'  Driving rain  and southerly gale force winds had wiped out the whole of the south coast but I had a new north coast Peregrine that I worked with for the first time yesterday so being keen to push for better images I decided to go anyway,  The early morning went quite well and as I learnt more about perch points and flight habits I was able to gain a nice take-off sequence from a reasonable distance,  As the morning progressed it became more and more difficult to keep both my camera kit and I dry,  I finally called it a day at one PM and moved out of cover to slog it back up the cliffs to my car, By the time I arrived the water was running down the inside of my trousers and squelching out of my boots! Time to head for home ASAP,

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