Sunday 14 October 2018

Dipper portraits and behaviour: Part 2

Following on from Dippers Part 1 these Portrait and Behaviour images were all taken on the same shoot.

With weather conditions so bad the light levels in the woods at the bottom of Kennell vale were very poor so the use of Tele-converters to increase magnification on these small birds was not a good option with the inherent increase in minimum aperture required for them to function.

I decided to settle for my straight Nikon 500mm F4 lens and looked for a location that provided reasonable cover at a closer distance to the river bank than I would normally work while gambling that the noise of the rushing river rapids would drown out my cameras shutter noise.

My Nikon D5 is excellent at holding digital noise on high ISO settings so I set for Auto ISO at a maximum of 6400 and fired away at lower shutter speeds than normal of between 250 - 600th of a second as light levels demanded.

I was pleased with the results produced working in this manner and that my field skills on the day allowed me to capture the likes of the image above at just six metres without disturbing the Dipper.

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