Sunday 9 September 2018

Buck Roe Deer Behaviour

Wildlife animals quite often come up with some surprising behaviour that might not become noticeable until you get the chance to study their habits for a few days,

The fine buck Roe Deer in the image above has been staying in a field that is several females territory while waiting for them to become responsive to mating,

Roe Deer are notorious for being difficult to get close to and often easily spooked,  Just a couple of days ago this buck charged off across the field taking a Doe and her kid with him because he suddenly realised that I was quietly crouched outside the hedgerow of one corner of their field.

Nothing particularly unusual about that perhaps yet this buck has been sleeping in a very shallow treeline that fringes onto the edge of one of the busiest and noisiest road roundabouts in Cornwall for the last four nights and then he emerges back into the field regardless of traffic every morning without bating an eyelid.

On arrival he usually stops for a bit of a wash and brush up just in case he happens to meet  'One of his girls '  Then goes off to patrol the Hedgerow boundary checking for their scent.

Boundaries checked for females and it must be time for breakfast and it is always a treat to watch a relaxed deer feeding along the browse line of a hedgerow.

Breakfast over and he disappears off into the substantial woodlands bordering the field to look for the females and this is the area that I would have expected him to hunker down in the first place.

So I guess that wildlife is a bit like people when it comes to behaviour and perhaps :
We should always expect the unexpected !!

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