Sunday 14 July 2019

Carn Le's Boel Grey Seals

Above is one of my underwater portrait of a young seal taken at Eastern rocks in the Scillies way back in 2006

Last week I spent a couple of days watching and photographing a small group of seven adult female and young grey seals in the sea around Carn Le's Boel headland.

Five hauled out on rocky outcrops just off shore but headed for the water as an instructor led group of Kayak's  passed close by enjoying the spectacle as the seals splashed into the water.

The experienced kayak instructor then led his group away and they were followed by a two inquisitive juvenile seals while others had already started hauling out on the rocks again.

It was nice to watch the juveniles swimming in and under the clear water which was a bit of a challenge to capture

The group were eventually joined by not just one but two large bull seals which seemed to arrive together

The juveniles played on and one adult female that was still in the water patrolled around making sure that all was well between young and old.

I enjoyed my time watching these Grey Seals just as much as I used to at close quarters back in my diving days !

1 comment:

  1. Hi Alan. Thanks for posting about our wonderful grey seals in Cornwall. I wonder would you allow me to add your sighting into our database as we rarely get records from this location? If so, please would you be kind enough to email me with the date? Thank you!
