Monday 11 March 2019

Early Female Adder

I walked the south Coast at Trewavas cliffs looking for the local Peregrine this morning but ended up working with a pair of Shags that were displaying some interesting behaviour  ( look out for my next blog )

Time flew by and I was running late for an appointment when I left to walk back to my car.  On route I passed one of my favoured Adder basking patches and ' Sod's Law '  there sat a fine female Adder basking in one of the clearings.

I stopped to take a few quick shots and as I did so a lively young Labrador Pup arrived out of nowhere jumping all over the place,  I managed to grab it as its lady owner arrived on the scene and explained that I was working on an Adder that was now long gone,  Looking horrified at the thought of an Adder she put her dog on a lead and did the same.

I was a bit teasy about losing the Adder which is a subject that I usually only get to work on a couple of times a year at best so with this in mind and knowing that as a creature of habit the Adder would most likely return to its basking clearing fairly quickly so I made a call and delayed my appointment for a couple of hours and settled down to await its return.

Twenty minutes later this lovely female Adder came back out from the stone wall where it had retreated with its forked tongue tasting the air as it made its way back into the clearing.  I worked with it for thirty minutes as it adjusted its position for comfort and heat capture and when I left it was neatly curled up enjoying the morning sunshine.

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