Monday 25 March 2019

'Spring is in the Air '

Spring is in the air and so is this Doe Roe Deer as it effortlessly jumps across a four metre wide  drainage ditch early Am today.

Once across the ditch she realised that I was there and I smiled as she stopped and stamped her foot in annoyance at my unwelcome attention.

I took one more picture and moved away to find the mature male that I had earlier seen move into the shadow of some small trees.

When I finally caught sight of the male I smiled again as it looked like he was having a bit of a  ' Bad Hair Day ' due to the molt of his winter coat and tassel's of velvet hanging from his new antlers.

That said,  he still manage to look like a fine, alert and noble Buck that stood his ground as I took a few shots before once again I backed away from his gaze feeling very much like a rude intruder into both of these early morning encounters.

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