Friday 13 January 2017

Full frame Kingfisher

Since working with the Tehidy Kingfisher on the fifth January and been impressed by the photo opportunities that it creates naturally,  I considered the potential to achieve a full frame uncroped composition which is something that I rarely seem to achieve on small skitty birds etc,  I watched the Kingfishers behaviour noting its many favoured perch points and selected the closest one that the bird brought fish to where I could set up my gear at the lens minimum focal distance of 3.6m with the intention of firing the shutter by remote control from a more acceptable distance,  I also added a 1.4 converter to my system and reduced my usual choice of full frame format of 36x24 to 24x16 to reduce the finished composition at 3.6m to a picture area of just 20 x 14cm for the bird to fly into with a fish which seems like a bit of a compositional challenge!
My first attempt to capture the bird at the right spot took four and a half hours for an eleven second perch,  Framing was fine but No fish and the turned head has lost focus during take-off and in the mean time I was a bit frustrated while watching her diving, catching fish and juggling balls at all the other perch points.

On the second attempt yesterday after just one and a half hours the bird and the composition are fine but still no fish! but watch this space next week to see if I can complete this challenge

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