Thursday 27 April 2017

South coast today

The south coast was the order of the day again today to avoid the cold northerly winds once again,  My day started with a pair of Roe Deer at longrock on the way to check out Marazion Marsh, Their summer coats were beginning to take shape now and they were looking good in the morning sunshine
At the marsh the resident Grey Heron were busy catching fish for their pair of chicks but I fear for the smaller chick which is looking frail and possibly not getting its share of the catch
By contrast the warrens rabbits have been breeding "like rabbits" and the dozens of young bunnies out this morning were a delight to watch,

Farther east along the coast I watched this Little Egret above take four good sized Tompot Blennies and Shanies from a relatively small rock pool in less than thirty minutes,  What an amazing hunter they are and not surprizing that they have become so successful within the UK
 Today we finish with a shot of one of our local Kestrels as she takes a short break from incubating her latest clutch of eggs

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