Thursday 16 February 2017

Ravens Reign

I returned to Rinsey pm yesterday to check on the local Peregrine and adders,  No show on the Adders and when I checked out a popular Peregrine perch point a fine male calling Raven was in residence,
It was soon joined by its mate and she was making obvious signs that she wanted feeding
He flew off only to return twenty minutes later with a face full of what looked like winkles which she readily accepted before flying off herself
The male picked up a couple of winkles that the female had left and stashed them under some vegetation for later
Watching the Pair it quickly became evident that they had moved in as they both flew into a well chosen rock ledge where they had constructed a fine nest site,  So it looks like 'Peregrine out' and Ravens Rule OK!!  I just hope that the Peregrine don't take their revenge on any future fledglings.  I did see one of the Peregrine at a less popular location a little later

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